doctools: Tools to parse and generate documentation

Tools to parse and generate documentation

This framework was particularly conceived to document cython projects which are badly supported with sphinx, but can be used to document pure python projects just as well.

The main backend is mkdocs and at the moment the documentation format supported is markdown, using docstring in google style

def func(a: type, b: type) -> rettype:
    Short description of func

    Longer description spanning
    multiple lines - Admonitions are allowed if
    enabled in mkdocs :

    !!! note

        My note admonition

        * a: …
        * b: …

        My return value

One of the main advantages of this framework is that the documentation does not need to be built by the host (readthedocs, for example). Used together with mkdocs the documentation (markdown) is built locally and It can be built locally and checked into the git repo

Projects using this framework for documentation:

A possible build script for a project’s documentation:

import mymodule  # the module we want to document
from emlib import doctools
import os
from pathlib import Path

docsfolder = Path("docs")
renderConfig = doctools.RenderConfig(splitName=True, fmt="markdown", docfmt="markdown")
reference = doctools.generateDocsForModule(mymodule,
os.makedirs(docsfolder, exist_ok=True)
open(docsfolder / "", "w").write(reference)
index = doctools.generateMkdocsIndex(projectName="mymodule",
                                     shortDescription="mymodule does something useful")
open(docsfolder / "", "w").write(index)
root = docsfolder.parent
if (root/"mkdocs.yml").exists():
    os.system("mkdocs build")


cache(user_function, /)

Simple lightweight unbounded cache.

externalModuleMembers(module[, include_private])

Returns a list of member names which appear in dir(module) but are not defined there

formatSignature(name, signature[, maxwidth, ...])

Format a signature to align args

fullname(obj[, includeModule])

Given an object, returns its qualified name

generateDocsForClass(cls, renderConfig[, ...])

Generate documentation for the given class

generateDocsForFunctions(funcs[, ...])

Collects documentation for multiple functions in one string

generateDocsForModule(module[, ...])

Generate documentation for the given module

generateMkdocsIndex(projectName, ...[, ...])

Generate the template for an index file suitable for mkdocs




getClassMembers(cls[, exclude, inherited])

Inspects cls and determines its methods and properties

getEmbeddedSignature(objname, doc)

Returns the docstring embedded signature

getModuleMembers(module[, exclude, classesFirst])

Returns a dictionary of {membername:member} in order of appearence


Sorts the members into three groups: functions, classes and modules

hasEmbeddedSignature(objname, doc)

Returns True if the docstring has an embedded signature


Returns True if cls is an extension class

isMethodInherited(cls, method)

Is this method inherited?


Escape s as markdown

markdownHeader(text, headernum[, inline])

Create a markdown header

markdownReplaceHeadings(s[, indentLevel, ...])

Replaces any heading of the form.


Extract the docs of a class to a ParsedDef


Parses a function/method, analyzing the signature / docstring.

parseDocstring(docstr[, fmt])

Parses a docstring, returns a ParsedDef

renderClassDocstring(cls, renderConfig[, ...])

Render the documentation for a given class

renderDocumentation(parsed, renderConfig, ...)

Renders the parsed function / method / property as documentation in the given format


Sort classes according to their inheritance tree


ClassMembers(properties, methods)

Gathers members defined in a class


An enumeration.

Param(name[, type, descr, default, hasDefault])

Represents a parameter in a function/method


ParsedDef([name, kind, params, returns, ...])

A ParsedDef is the result of parsing a function/method definition

RenderConfig([maxwidth, fmt, docfmt, ...])

A RenderConfig determines how the documentation is rendered