
emlib.mathlib.split_interval_at_values(start, end, offsets)[source]

Split interval (start, end) at the given offsets

  • start (TypeVar(T, bound= Union[Rational, float])) – start of the interval

  • end (TypeVar(T, bound= Union[Rational, float])) – end of the interval

  • offsets (Sequence[TypeVar(T, bound= Union[Rational, float])]) – offsets to split the interval at. Must be sorted

Return type:

list[tuple[TypeVar(T, bound= Union[Rational, float]), TypeVar(T, bound= Union[Rational, float])]]


a list of (start, end) segments where no segment extends over any of the given offsets


>>> split_interval_at_values(1, 3, [1.5, 2])
[(1, 1.5), (1.5,  2), (2, 3)]
>>> split_interval_at_values(0.2, 4.3, list(range(10)))
[(0.2, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 4.3)]